Acupuncture is well known as an effective treatment for many syndromes. Acupuncture treats by removing blocks and regulating the qi flow, as well as tonifying when needed.
Qi flows throughout the body in pathways called meridians. These are the lines you may have seen running throughout the body on an acupuncture model or poster. Many channels correspond to an organ. The meridians function like rivers. If one of the channels, or rivers of qi becomes blocked, then the patient is said to have qi and blood stagnation, which results in pain. Acupuncture can release the blockage so that the qi and blood can once again flow smoothly. By moving the qi and blood, acupuncture can increase local circulation, decrease pain and interrupt the inflammatory process.
Acupuncture can also be used to strengthen the body’s constitution and promote healthy functioning. Specific acupuncture points and techniques can be used to nourish the qi, blood and organ systems thereby lessening symptoms of fatigue and dysfunction. The goal of Chinese medicine is to bring the body back into harmony by addressing both the root of the dysfunction as well as the symptom pattern.
How does acupuncture work? According to Chinese medical theory, we all have qi (pronounced "chee," which is energy or life-force) flowing through our bodies. Acupuncture reminds our bodies of how to let the qi flow smoothly. When qi flows smoothly, we are healthy and pain-free. From a western medical perspective, we know that acupuncture has effects on the nervous, vascular, musculo-skeletal and other systems of the body, but do not understand how it works.
Does acupuncture work? Yes it does. Acupuncture has been used in China for over 3,000 years for health maintenance and the treatment of many different disorders. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture as suitable for treating over 200 common clinical disorders.
Is acupuncture painful? Is it safe? Acupuncture needles are very fine - about the thickness of a human hair. There should be little or no discomfort with the insertion of the needles. For your safety, only single-use needles are used. They are disposed of through a medical hazardous waste facility, just like hospitals and western health clinics.
Can Chinese medicine help me? While most people know that acupuncture can be used to relieve pain, did you know that acupuncture as well as Chinese herbs can be effective in treating a variety of other conditions? Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can treat or ease the symptoms associated with digestive disorders, urogenital disorders, gynecological disorders, respiratory disorders, circulatory disorders, disorders of the bones, joints and muscles, disorders of the nervous system, immune disorders, sleep and stress disorders, emotional and psychological disorders and as supportive therapy for many other chronic and debilitating disorders.
What should I expect on my first visit? For your comfort, it is best to bring shorts and a t-shirt or tank-top to change into (this will allow me to reach most areas needed for treatment, and you'll be able to avoid having to change into a hospital gown). During this first visit I will interview you about your health from head to toe. In Chinese medicine, it is important for me to see you as a whole system. After the interview, you'll have needles inserted and you'll be able to rest with them in for anywhere from 10-30 minutes. Then I'll remove the needles and send you home having had a great, first-acupuncture-experience.
How many treatments will I need? It depends on your particular condition. In general, I recommend a series of ten treatments, at which time we will reevaluate your condition and progress. It is not uncommon to begin seeing changes in your overall health prior to the tenth treatment. Most patients find relief after the very first treatment. With one or two treatments per week, many conditions can be alleviated rapidly with acupuncture and herbs. Acute conditions will generally respond faster, while chronic conditions may take several weeks or longer to respond. A guideline for chronic conditions is that it may take 1 month of treatment per year you have had the disease. Chinese medicine seeks to cure the underlying cause(s) for your condition while treating the symptoms. Remember that attitude, diet, determination and lifestyle will also affect the outcome and course of treatment.
Rates are $140.00 for a new patient visit ($120.00 with time of service discount) and $90.00 for a return visit ($80.00 with at time of service discount). Payment is due at time of service for all copays and cash payments. We can bill insurance provided it has been prearranged and authorized. Dr. Kali is an out of network provider. You are welcome to pay in the office during your intake. You can also pay online. Mastercard, Visa,debit cards and PayPal are accepted via the PayPal link. You do not need to have a PayPal account to use the credit card/debit card option on the PayPal link. PayPal payments can be sent to [email protected].