Shamanic Healing Shamanic healing has been practiced for thousands of years on nearly every continent. Indigenous people around the world have used this divination technique to gain answers to everyday questions: When should we plant our fields? Where will the animals be for the hunt? Why is my child sick?
Today, shamanic divination continues to be used as a practical problem solving tool for busy modern lives. Questions such as: What is the best way I can support my dying mother? What would it look like if I accept this job offer? Why am I having difficulty in my relationship with my spouse? The applications of shamanic work are seemingly unlimited.
Shamanic healing can promote healing on the physical, mental and emotional levels by removing the spiritual causes of disease to clear the way for profound transformation.
Recently, shamanism has experienced a resurgence in the western world. People are searching for meaning and a sense of a connection. Shamanism does not require conversion to a specific religion. Shamanic work only requires communication with trusted spirits, discernment, ethics and a heart-felt desire to ease suffering.